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Raising Our Skills, Not Our Hands workshops have graced the stage and conference rooms of a variety of organizations.  

"There is great wisdom in this concise and very accessible book about disciplining children with physical punishment. Some readers may find the autobiographic accounts shocking, but at the same time they are moving, and it should prompt readers to re-evaluate their disciplinary views. The book should be read by all parents‹and future parents."

George W. Holden, Ph.D.Dept. of Psychology Southern Methodist University

As a result of her book, Beating Black Kids, she was an invited participant at the Global Summit on Ending CorporalPunishment and Promoting Positive Parenting held in Dallas, TX in June of 2011. This indicates how she is able to connect with others who are committed to this cause of ending corporal punishment of children and work with researchers, educators, policy makers, parents and activists.

Lucien X. Lombardo, PhD,  Dept. of Sociology and Criminal Justice Old Dominion University

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